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Soka Gakkai’s Deviations Clear to All

The Truth about the Object of Worship Forged by Soka Gakkai

It only looks like a real Gohonzon!

Because Soka Gakkai was excommunicated by Nichiren Shoshu and can no longer receive the Gohonzon from the Priesthood, Soka Gakkai has, since 1993, been issuing its own object of worship. The Soka Gakkai’s object of worship is a “forged replica honzon” of an original Gohonzon transcribed by 26th High Priest Nichikan Shonin. The image of the original was altered according to the Soka Gakkai’s needs and then massively reproduced.

Since the appearance of the fake object of worship is similar to that of a true Nichiren Shoshu Gohonzon, there are many Soka Gakkai members who are unaware it is a fraud. Deceived by their Gakkai leaders who urged, “Let’s replace your old Gohonzon with a new one,” millions of Gakkai members were persuaded to replace their true Gohonzon with the counterfeit imitation.

Virtually all of the authentic Gohonzons confiscated by the Gakkai have been mistreated without a single one being returned to the priesthood. Those who have committed such grave slander will not live out their lives free of severe consequences. In the upper right portion of the Gohonzon it states, “One who in confusion disregards this (Gohonzon), will have his head broken into seven pieces.” So naturally, a person who relinquishes his precious Gohonzon, allowing it to be abused and then enshrines a demonic counterfeit object of worship will never fail to have his head broken into seven pieces and descend into Hell. In Japan, several million true Gohonzons were destroyed by the Soka Gakkai and several million imitation honzons were distributed. As a result, Japan has been transformed into the land of gravest slander. Due to punishment from the Buddha, the three perils and seven disasters are rampant including frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme economic recession and the proliferation of heinous crimes.

Once again, the reasons why the Gakkai’s object of worship is counterfeit are:

  1. High Priest Nichikan Shonin was the 26th High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu, Taisekiji. He was neither a President of Soka Gakkai nor a chief priest of Nichiren Shoshu who quit the priesthood. Nevertheless, without permission from the head temple of Nichiren Shoshu, Soka Gakkai exploited the Gohonzon transcribed by Nichikan Shonin. This is an act of “stealing the Law” and therefore the Gakkai’s object of worship is a “stolen honzon.”
  2. Prayer for the opening of the eye must be made to the Gohonzon through the transmission of the Heritage of the Law entrusted to only one person. Without it, a Gohonzon cannot be connected to the Heritage of the Law flowing from the Dai-Gohonzon of the High Sanctuary of True Buddhism. The Gakkai claims, “The opening of the eye is not necessary.” If that is true, then anyone is free to make copies of the Gohonzon and to produce as many Gohonzons as they wish. Would you knowingly worship a “copy honzon” without the opening of the eye?
  3. Nichikan Shonin’s original Gohonzon bears the name of the person upon whom the Gohonzon was bestowed, “Daigyo Ajari Honshobo Nissho of Honmyozan Joenji in Ogusurimura, Shimotsuke Province.” However the Gakkai took the liberty of eliminating the recipient’s name from their replica and concealed this omission by widening and lengthening the central inscription’s characters and altering the characters of The Four Heavenly Kings”, etc. Clearly, the result is nothing but a forgery.

From the points mentioned above, we can see that the Soka Gakkai has produced a slanderous “fake honzon.” If you replaced your Gohonzon with the forged one without realizing all this, please never again place your palms together in front of the counterfeit honzon. Instead, waste no time in eradicating your slander by either disposing of the honzon yourself or bringing it to the temple. At the same time, in order to expiate the evil karma that you have accumulated by treating your real Gohonzon in a slanderous manner, it is vital that you re-convert and commit yourself to Nichiren Shoshu with firm resolution.

Shown on the left is the Gohonzon transcribed by High Priest Nichikan Shonin. The image on the right shows the alterations incorporated into the forged honzon produced by Soka Gakkai.
1. Indicates the area where the name of the person upon whom the Gohonzon was bestowed by Nichikan Shonin was eliminated.
2. Shows where the end of the Sanskrit letter was extended downward.
3. Shows where “Kyo” of the Daimoku was extended downward and widened.
4. Shows an alteration of the character, “Ten” (Heaven) of Dai-zochotenno making the tip of the character thicker.

Soka Gakkai: Chronic Honzon Counterfeiter

Even Omamori Gohonzon was Enlarged and Engraved!

Soka Gakkai is currently counterfeiting and distributing fake honzons. Their excuse for this is that since they have been excommunicated from Nichiren Shoshu and can no longer receive the Gohonzon, they are left with no choice but to create their own forged honzons. They say it is, therefore, Nichiren Shoshu who should be blamed. Soka Gakkai’s logic is distorted and self-serving.

This current case, however, is not the first time the Soka Gakkai has forged honzons. According to recent investigations, it has been discovered that as early as December 1973, a wooden honzon had already been forged and enshrined on the seventh floor of the culture center in Shinanomachi, Tokyo. Later, in 1977, forged wooden honzons were created one after another and enshrined at Soka Gakkai facilities in various locations. In other words, Soka Gakkai led by Ikeda, has turned out to be a habitual offender in the forgery of honzons! Soka Gakkai attempts to deny this saying, “Permission was granted from High Priest Nittatsu Shonin. All we did was engrave the Gohonzons into wood to make wooden Gohonzons since paper Joju Gohonzons were becoming worn out.” But at that time, Nittasu Shonin clarified, “The [wooden] honzons which were made without my approval, have been confiscated from Soka Gakkai and I have admonished them.” (Dai-nichiren, July 1979 issue) Accordingly, seven forged honzons were turned over to the Head Temple (it had been discovered that at least seven wooden honzons had been secretly manufactured without permission). Because the Soka Gakkai leadership apologized for their misdeeds, Nichiren Shoshu, showing great mercy, decided to once again compassionately watch over the Gakkai.

However, fifteen years later, in 1993, Soka Gakkai again put their hands to the creation of forged honzons. Having already committed the appallingly corrupt act of producing fake wooden honzons, they apparently had no compunctions about mass-producing counterfeit paper honzons.

The Soka Gakkai has proven itself to be an organization hopelessly mired in a swamp of deceit and slander. Among the wooden honzons forged by Soka Gakkai one outrageous example is shown here.

So why is this a problem? To start with, Omamori Gohonzon is meant to be carried with and protected by the believer upon whom it is bestowed as was stated by Nichiren Daishonin in His Gosho, “The Omamori Gohonzon I bestowed on you the other day should not leave your hands even for a moment and should be carried with you at all times.”

An Omamori Gohonzon is not for the purpose of being enshrined and chanted to by everyone, let alone enlarged and made into a wooden honzon. Daisaku Ikeda explained his reason for enshrining the forged honzon as follows: “I would like to securely protect the Tohoku region. But since I cannot find time to visit here myself, I want to keep it enshrined at this training center. I have brought this small Gohonzon with me with a desire to protect you all by enshrining it as long as the Soka Gakkai organization in Tohoku lasts” (October 27th, 1976). In this statement he is claiming to securely protect the Tohoku region by enshrining the forged honzon as a substitute for himself. In other words, Ikeda regarded himself as someone equal to the Gohonzon. Do you, Soka Gakkai members, still insist that “Ikeda Sensei” has made no mistake?

The Truth Behind the Demolition of Shohondo – The Building Used to Support the Theory of Ikeda Being the True Buddha

The Soka Gakkai speculated that the reason for Nichiren Shoshu deciding to demolish the Shohondo was that High Priest Nikken Shonin had become jealous of the feat accomplished by his predecessor, Nittatsu Shonin, since the building was built during Nittatsu Shonin’s era. They further insist that this is an outrage against the members who made offerings for the Shohondo’s construction. So let’s review the history and learn the circumstances leading up to the decision to demolish Shohondo.

According to the golden words of Nichiren Daishonin as stated in “The Three Great Secret Laws” and described in “Ichigoguhosho,” “When Propagation of Buddhism is achieved, the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism should be established at the foot of Mt. Fuji.” However, back in 1965, Soka Gakkai volunteered to construct Shohondo, the main hall of which was expected to serve at some point in the future as the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism when Kosen-rufu is accomplished.

Attachment and intense feelings towards the Shohondo by Ikeda Soka Gakkai have been unusual from the beginning. On the occasion of the Construction Petition Ceremony held in October 1967, Daisaku Ikeda (then President of Soka Gakkai) stated, “After all, with the completion of Shohondo, the Three Great Secret Laws have been realized here.” Later, in order to further elaborate on this point, Hiroshi Hojo (then Director and Vice President of Soka Gakkai) stated, “During the Daishonin’s era, the Daimoku of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism, namely, wisdom, as well as the True Object of Worship of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism namely, meditation were established. Only precepts, i.e. the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism, has been left for later generations to accomplish as it says in the Gosho, ‘Simply await the right time.’ Considering this important significance, from the standpoint of Buddhism, the establishment of Shohondo signifies the completion of the Three Great Secret Laws.” (Daibyaku-renge, May, 1970 issue) This statement is understood to mean: The Daishonin revealed the Gohonzon and the Daimoku of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism in His time, but not the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism. 700 years later, Soka Gakkai led by Ikeda, has appeared and we are about to see the establishment of the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism, with which the Three Great Secret Laws are going to be complete. With Vice President Hojo’s statement, the Soka Gakkai was actually claiming: The High Sanctuary of the Essential Teachings of True Buddhism which could not be revealed even by the Daishonin is to be established by President Ikeda. Therefore, President Ikeda is a Buddha superior to the Daishonin. This is the theory of President Ikeda being the True Buddha (as a matter of fact, just such guidance was spread within the Soka Gakkai at that time). In other words, the establishment of Shohondo, which was considered equal to the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teachings of True Buddhism, carried “significant meaning” as an actual proof for the theory of Ikeda being the True Buddha in that, “Daisaku Ikeda is the Buddha even surpassing the Daishonin.” This is the main reason why the Soka Gakkai showed extraordinary attachment to the Shohondo.

However, at the time of the completion of Shohondo in 1972, High Priest Nittatsu Shonin issued an official statement of doctrine clarifying that since there were still so many slanderous people, Kosen-rufu had yet to be accomplished. For this reason, Shohondo was formally designated a main hall which could become the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism upon completion of Kosen-rufu at some point in the future.

Daisaku Ikeda, who was deeply disappointed with the decision that the Shohondo was not to be immediately designated the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism, applied intense pressure on the High Priest and Nichiren Shoshu following Shohondo’s completion but Ikeda never succeeded in getting Nittatsu Shonin to reverse the decision. Until they were finally excommunicated from Nichiren Shoshu in 1991, Ikeda and his people claimed behind Nichiren Shoshu’s back, “Kosen-rufu has clearly been accomplished with the completion of Shohondo” or “Shohondo is the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching of True Buddhism,” whenever they had a chance.

As a consequence of Soka Gakkai’s betrayal, Kosen-rufu of Nichiren Shoshu, which was expected to be achieved in the near future, has instead receded into the distance while Shohondo, which was built based on the expectation of the imminent accomplishment of Kosen-rufu, lost its justification for existence. And yet, unbelievably, despite the fact that as a result of their excommunication, they have no connection with Nichiren Shoshu Taiseki-ji, the Ikeda Soka Gakkai still continues to insist, “Shohondo is the High Sanctuary of Essential Teaching of True Buddhism, and President Ikeda, in establishing it, has achieved an unprecedented feat in the history of Buddhism.” etc., etc.

Considering the reality that Shohondo has been used as a basis for the unprecedented and shockingly slanderous theory of Ikeda being the original True Buddha, Nichiren Shoshu determined that the time had come to completely sever the root of this greatest of slanders. Such a building could not be retained if the premises of the Head Temple were to be kept pure. This judgment led to the decision to demolish the building. Of course, the demolition entailed costs, but when it comes to protecting the purity of true Buddhism, it is not a matter of money. Daisaku Ikeda took advantage of the members using their sincere offerings to persistently promote the gravest slander- his, “Ikeda as the original Buddha” theory. It is Daisaku Ikeda’s actions that are to blame and truly an outrage.

Gakkai Propagandists Used Dubious Documents to Tout: Bogus “Project C”

The Gakkai is still claiming, “It wasn’t by choice that we left Nichiren Shoshu, the Gakkai was expelled because of “Project C.” They say, “In the summer of 1990, Nichiren Shoshu became jealous of the growth of the Gakkai and devised “Project C” (“C” for “cut”) to remove Ikeda Sensei as sokoto (head of the Hokkeko Believers Association) and excommunicate the Gakkai from Nichiren Shoshu.” This Gakkai claim is an outright lie. It is as if one were to say the heavens above are actually the earth below. And yet, consistent with the Soka Gakkai’s leadership principle that a lie told 100 times becomes the truth, thoroughly propagandized Gakkai members around the world seem to have swallowed this story.

The strategy behind the Gakkai’s campaign is simple: first, create the impression that, the Gakkai is a “victim,” then manipulate the members’ shared consciousness as “victims” to cut their emotional attachment to the Head Temple. The logic of their scheme can be illustrated as follows: suppose someone wished to forcibly detach a child from his parents. Reasonable sounding explanations such as, “You were abandoned by your parents,” could be used. A steady diet of such poisonous lies would cause the child to lose trust in his parents and gradually grow to harbor hatred towards them. In just such a manner, the Soka Gakkai skillfully exploits human psychology to turn the Gakkai members away from the Head Temple.

So just what is the truth behind what the Gakkai calls, “Project C”? The fact is, Nichiren Shoshu never had a “Project C” or any other kind of scheme to cut the Soka Gakkai from Nichiren Shoshu. Not surprisingly, it is the Soka Gakkai which, ever since the period following completion of the Shohondo, held the objective of controlling Nichiren Shoshu or, if that were not possible, becoming independent from Nichiren Shoshu, as was explicitly stated in the Gakkai leadership’s “Hojo Report” dated June 18, 1974 and “Yamazaki and Yahiro Report” dated April 12, 1974.

When the Gakkai’s intentions became clear, 66th High Priest Nittatsu Shonin resolutely determined to protect the Daishonin’s Buddhism even if it meant the membership of Nichiren Shoshu would shrink in numbers. His seriousness of purpose was conveyed in his comments at the Current Events Discussion Meeting of February 9th, 1978, “I pointed out all the issues (to Daisaku Ikeda) including the Gakkai’s references to Nichiren Shoshu as if it were a slanderous temple. And I went on to say, ‘with such statements it’s natural that the problem will not go away. Young priests insist that they will sever the relationship with the Gakkai. I’m controlling their moves now, but if we are to finally break off with the Gakkai, I think it’s necessary to make things clear by convening the assembly of Nichiren Shoshu.”

At that time, the Gakkai apologized to Nichiren Shoshu temporarily putting an end to the matter. However, the Gakkai’s intention to, “Control Nichiren Shoshu or become independent from it,” endured as they vigilantly awaited their chance.

Their malevolent plot resurfaced in 1990, which had been designated by the Gakkai as the “Year of Completion.” Beginning in spring, Ikeda’s speeches within the Gakkai started to include unconcealed criticisms of Nichiren Shoshu and the leaders began to arrogantly exhibit belligerence towards the priesthood. Alarmed by these developments, Nichiren Shoshu made preparations to inquire as to the Gakkai’s true intentions at the next communication meeting between the Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu scheduled for July 17th. However, it seems that information had been leaked to the Gakkai in advance.

On the day of the meeting, the moment the Gakkai participants took their seats, they began by stating, “We will now say all we have to say today.” Whereupon, using highly abusive language, the Gakkai representatives launched into a one-sided litany of groundless charges against High Priest Nikken Shonin and criticisms of local Nichiren Shoshu temples. When they had, to their full satisfaction, exhausted their list of grievances, the Gakkai leaders, led by Akiya, rose as one saying, “That’s all for today!” and walked out leaving the dumbfounded Nichiren Shoshu priests no chance to respond.

Shocked by the Gakkai’s hard attitude, the priesthood hastily convened a meeting the following day at the Head Temple with High Priest Nikken Shonin in attendance for the purpose of discussing how to cope with the Gakkai.

When we look back on the events of the summer of 1990, we should remember that the Soka Gakkai was an organization which had already committed numerous unacceptable acts including: attempting to coerce High Priest Nittatsu Shonin, bringing several priests before their “kangaroo court” for alleged offenses and spreading malicious rumors about Nichiren Shoshu at their meetings and in personal communications. All of this had been carried out with the belief, “In the long run, there is no other choice but to cleverly separate [from Nichiren Shoshu]” (quote from the Hojo Report) which had been formulated at the time of the “Line of 1976.” It was understood that if Nichiren Shoshu were to attempt to correct such an organization, it would have to be prepared, just as Nittatsu Shonin had been when confronted by a similar situation, for the worst-case scenario, that is, to break off with the Gakkai. As a matter of fact, it was clear to everyone that without such awareness, it would be totally impossible to change the Soka Gakkai.

After having discussed the issue thoroughly, the conclusion of the meeting was stated as follows: “In order for us to say what must be said, we must correct our attitude so the Gakkai will not be able to take advantage of our shortcomings. It is necessary for us to strictly tighten up discipline within the priesthood.” And it was decided to, “postpone for the time being” responding to or questioning the Gakkai. In spite of this, the Gakkai began a propaganda campaign saying that “”Project C” to cut off the Gakkai was formulated at that meeting” based on their contention that the words, “Project C” were found in a note jotted down by a priest attending the meeting. It seems that this priest mentioned, “Then this project can be called project G,” to which the High Priest responded, “It’s not G but C.” The memo allegedly obtained by the Gakkai only describes the latter statement made by the High Priest and since it is a phrase used in a personal memo, it’s not certain that the High Priest even said it at all. In the context of the meeting, if such a statement was made, it meant, “If worst comes to worst, be prepared to face the situation where there is no choice but to “cut” (off) relations.” There is absolutely no justification to conclude that the July 18th meeting was, “a strategy meeting for Nichiren Shoshu to cut the Gakkai.”

Even before the Gakkai brought up the memo, they were making a big ruckus about a document of dubious origin, which the Gakkai claimed was a plan sheet prepared by Nichiren Shoshu to cut the Gakkai. They further claimed that since the words, “Project C” appearing in the suspicious document correspond to the word “C” in the above mentioned memo, “Project C” was proved to be a scheme formulated by Nichiren Shoshu. But this is a ridiculous conclusion. It turns out that the reason the words correspond is that a person heard about the word “C” coming up during the meeting on July 18th, and decided to create a likely plan using the letter “C “which he then anonymously sent to tease the senior leaders of the Gakkai. At any rate, the plan described in the dubious “Project C” document is not at all like the real actions taken by Nichiren Shoshu after July 19th. Obviously, the anonymously authored document is a fabrication of someone who did not even attend the meeting in question.

And finally, when the Soka Gakkai was excommunicated from Nichiren Shoshu in 1991, President Einosuke Akiya called to the Gakkai members throughout Japan saying, “Congratulations on the day of our spiritual independence!” Do not his words eloquently proclaim that it was the Soka Gakkai, which left Nichiren Shoshu, just as they originally planned?

Refutation of the “Zen Sect Grave” Charge about which Soka Gakkai is Still Carrying On

President Toda Also Said “No Problem” Based On the “Kegisho”

The Soka Gakkai is making a big fuss about High Priest Nikken Shonin, claiming, “Nikken (Shonin) has set up his parents’ grave in the premises of a Zen Sect Temple graveyard (Hakusan-ji Temple in Fukushima Prefecture). He even secretly performed an eye-opening ceremony. It is a slander!”

The Gakkai claim is a completely false and baseless charge with absolutely no merit. To begin with, High Priest Nikken Shonin’s parents, the Abe’s, have a grave nowhere other than at Head Temple Taisekiji. The Abe family residence in Fukushima Prefecture, which the Soka Gakkai refers to, is the house where Nikken Shonin’s father, 60th High Priest Nichikai Shonin, was born. The current head of the Abe household in Fukushima is Mr. Kenzo Abe (a Hokkeko believer). These Abe’s of Fukushima are Nikken Shonin’s relatives.

The Soka Gakkai says that according to the registry, the Abe family grave in Fukushima prefecture is built in the graveyard owned by Hakusanji-temple. They claim that it is a slander for Nikken Shonin to visit such a graveyard and conduct the ceremony to open the eye of the Daimoku characters carved into the tombstone. In point of fact, however, the High Priest’s actions are not even remotely slanderous.

First of all, as second Soka Gakkai president, Mr. Josei Toda, stated regarding Nichiren Shoshu believers’ having graves in graveyards managed by other religious organizations: “This is not slanderous, I believe. Suppose you have a grave in the premises of a heretical temple. You might think it would be wrong to bring money to the heretical monk. However, I think it is alright to do so… I have been renting a piece of land from a temple called Zuisho-ji and I have been paying rent for it. Likewise, what’s wrong with you paying for a grave you are renting? If Nichiren Shoshu believers bring a lot of money (to erroneous temples), they will receive the money. The more graves of Nichiren Shoshu believers there are, the less likely it is that they will interfere .

This is called ‘Shoju.’ You will also go to the grave to clean up and give money to them. I don’t think that will be a slander.” (“Complete Works of Josei Toda” Volume II.) President Toda’s logic is crystal clear. It is not slanderous to rent a piece of land and pay for it.

As for performing services and ceremonies of Nichiren Shoshu within the precincts of heretical temples, 9th High Priest Nichiu Shonin stated in “Kegisho” as follows: “Even if it is in the premises of temples of the Zen or Nembutsu sects, if the chief mourner is a believer of the Lotus Sutra, [Nichiren Shoshu priests]should agree to conduct Buddhist services.” (Seiten page 989) In light of this particular article of “Kegisho”, at the request of Mr. Kenzo Abe who is truly a believer of Hokkeko, the eye-opening ceremony was performed. Even though it was carried out within the precincts of a graveyard managed by a heretical temple, it is clear that there is no problem whatsoever.

You, Gakkai member, if you still want to find fault with the High Priest, you should first find out where Ikeda “Sensei,” whom you worship as your mentor, has his parents’ grave. You should vigorously pursue this matter because, in Tokyo, Ohta Ward, there is a temple of the Shingon sect called “Hachimanyama Mitsugon-in”. Believe it or not, Ikeda “Sensei’s” parents’ grave is located in the graveyard of this Shingon temple, Mitsugon-in! Naturally, since it is a true grave belonging to Ikeda “Sensei’s” parents, under this grave’s marker, the remains of Ikeda’s father, Mr. Shinokichi Ikeda, must be resting. In the Soka Gakkai organization, are you still saying the Ikeda grave is not a problem, yet the Abe’s grave in Fukushima is the gravest slander?

“Gakkai Funerals” are Bizarre!

Proper Funeral Services Performed By Nichiren Shoshu Priests Since the Daishonin’s Era

Gakkai funerals are conducted by the Gakkai members without a priest in attendance. It is the Gakkai “leader,” not the priests, who lead the recitation of the sutra and chanting of Daimoku. There is no special funeral Gohonzon (Doshimandala). Only the counterfeit katagi honzon (woodblock print honzon) manufactured by the Soka Gakkai is brought to and utilized at the funeral hall. Also, the deceased’s secular name is written on his / her family memorial tablet instead of a posthumous Buddhist name. This current way of conducting a Soka Gakkai funeral is referred to as a “Gakkai Funeral,” “Friend Funeral,” or “Comrade Funeral.”

For the Soka Gakkai members who threaten to leave the organization if priests are not available to conduct funerals, fake priests have been secured. These “priests” are actually failed priests, who have once again donned priests’ robes. In spite of being individuals who dropped out of the priesthood to escape the life of strict austerity or who as young boys returned to secular life, the Gakkai “priests” sometimes charge outrageous sums of money for their “services.”

In Nichiren Shoshu, a priest conducts a funeral ceremony as the envoy of Nichiren Daishonin. On that occasion a special funeral Gohonzon, Doshimandala, is enshrined and a posthumous Buddhist name is bestowed, respectfully leading the deceased to enlightenment. Recently, however, the Soka Gakkai abuses Nichiren Shoshu saying that funeral services conducted by Nichiren Shoshu are heretical activities which have nothing to do with the Daishonin’s teaching. The Gakkai’s three main claims are:

1. It is not true that Nichiren Shoshu priests carried out funeral services during the Daishonin’s era.
2. Giving posthumous Buddhist names was started by the prominent Buddhist sects during the Edo period for the purpose of making money. This custom was adopted by Nichiren Shoshu.
3. A special funeral Gohonzon, Doshimandala, is slanderous.

Their first criticism is ridiculous. It is clear from “The Record of the Founder’s Passing” that proper funeral services have been conducted since the Daishonin’s era. In addition, a Gosho given to Toki Jonin by the Daishonin states, “Your mother’s ashes were placed in front of the Gohonzon, then you put your palms together and deeply bowed. The Buddhist services were conducted after which, you returned home without incident.” This means that upon his mother’s death, Toki Jonin carried his mother’s ashes from Shimofusa to Mt. Minobu to visit the Daishonin who then conducted a funeral service for her.

As stated above, in “Reply to Lord Sone,” Nikko Shonin says that he will conduct a funeral by sending one of his disciple priests. “Reply to Lord Sone” (Original writing stored at Hotta Myohonji Temple) “I have no words to express the deep sorrow I feel regarding the death of the nursing mother of Lord Ichio. Tomorrow I will dispatch one of my disciples to conduct the funeral services. On that occasion, let us offer our sincerest memorial prayers to the Gohonzon of Nichiren Daishonin in which the deceased took faith. January 17, Byakuren (Signature)” (“Reply to Lord Sone”)

The next point regards whether or not the custom of bestowing a posthumous Buddhist name or “Kai-myo,” was initiated in the Edo period. The Gakkai’s assertion is totally false because posthumous Buddhist names were already in use during the Daishonin’s era. First such examples are the Daishonin’s father and mother who were given the posthumous Buddhist names, “Myonichi” and “Myoren” respectively. The Ikeda Soka Gakkai attempts to obscure this point saying, “They are actually ‘Ho-myo,’ posthumous Buddhist names.” A “Kai-myo,” posthumous Buddhist name, is usually given to someone who entered the priesthood. It is synonymous with “Ho-myo,” as is explained in “The Great Dictionary of Buddhist Philosophy” published by the Soka Gakkai.

Finally, with regard to the special funeral Gohonzon, Soka Gakkai claims that the special funeral Gohonzon is something that was turned into Katagi based on a couterfeit Honzon developed by a heretical branch of Nichiren-shu for use in funeral services, and that it contains characters such as “Godomyokan” which are not described in the Gosho, which, they say, makes it different from the Daishonin’s Gohonzon. This is a very good example of the great slander that unqualified people make when they interfere in matters related to the inscription of the Gohonzon. The 26th High Priest Nichikan Shonin, whom the Soka Gakkai claims to revere as having a special lineage from the Daishonin, also has transcribed the Doshi-Gohonzon on which “Godomyokan” and others are written. Moreover, the characters “Godomyokan” do appear in the Gosho. It would be wise for the Soka Gakkai to not speak of matters about which they are ignorant.

According to the golden words of the Daishonin, “The excellent master, supreme Law and outstanding disciples─these three elements together enable the fulfillment of our prayers.” (Gosho page 1314) This means that enlightenment becomes possible only when the Gohonzon (the supreme Law), faith in the Gohonzon (outstanding disciples) and the leadership of the priests (excellent masters) are combined together. The Soka Gakkai uses rhetoric to denigrate Nichiren Shoshu’s funeral services, which have been executed with these three essential elements combined. At the same time, Soka Gakkai has now come up with its own self-serving funeral system. The Daishonin would never approve of such a thing. We feel it is proper to say that the Gakkai Funeral Ceremony is the surest and most direct path to Hell.

High Priest Nittatsu Shonin Also Refuted the Soka Gakkai Deviations!

He Refuted: Theory of Ikeda Being the True Buddha, Denial of the Heritage of the Law, Etc.

The Soka Gakkai, which was excommunicated from Nichiren Shoshu in 1991, made noises to the effect that High Priest Nikken Shonin had become jealous of Daisaku Ikeda, and consequently severed the relationship with Soka Gakkai. They kept saying, “(High Priest) Nikken (Shonin) is evil while High Priest Nittatsu Shonin was good.” But the Soka Gakkai’s deviations had already surfaced during the era of the late High Priest Nittatsu Shonin and at that time, Nittatsu Shonin, as well, strictly scolded Soka Gakkai.

The following are the words High Priest Nittatsu Shonin used in refuting the Gakkai’s mistakes: “I have heard recently that within a certain group, there is a lot of talk about a new true Buddha appearing. If the report I received is accurate, the people making such claims are not practicing Nichiren Shoshu and can no longer be called Nichiren Shoshu believers. If there are people who teach such an erroneous doctrine, I would like Hokkeko believers to stop them by all means. Please understand that this is the Hokkeko’s mission.” (Stated during the audience on the occasion of the Hokkeko Federation Spring General Tozan on April 25th, 1974)

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“The expression that so and so is the Buddha is heard in this neighborhood, this causes me extreme concern. It is true that we are all Buddhas if we start talking about who the Buddha is. In theory, that is correct. We are not, however, the Buddhas in whom we take religious faith. It is a fact that the Gosho clearly states that common mortals are, in theory, Buddhas. But if one claims that he is the Buddha based on his theoretical existence as the Buddha, it will be a huge mistake. After all, the true Buddha in the Latter Day of the Law is no one other than Nichiren Daishonin, himself, the founder of Nichiren Shoshu.” (At the opening ceremony of Fujigakurin Study Dept. on June 16th, 1974)

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(Referring to the newspaper entitled “the Land of Fire” published by the Soka Gakkai in the Kyushu region) “There is a description of ‘devoting one’s life to a human being’. The article says, ‘Devoting one’s life to a person means to devote one’s life to his master, President Ikeda, in this era. This is a natural conclusion we can arrive at, considering the fact that President Ikeda is directly applying the teaching of the Daishonin to his life and putting it into practice exactly as stated in the Gosho.’ A person who does not practice the Daishonin’s Buddhism might be impressed by this interpretation and be convinced by its logic. However, this interpretation is completely wrong and different from the doctrine of Nichiren Shoshu.” (At the opening ceremony of Fujigakurin Study Dept. on June 27th, 1975)

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“In Wakayama Prefecture, some people are saying to their members, ‘We need nothing but the Gohonzon. The Heritage of the Law is unnecessary.’ What kind of idea is this? Who transcribes the Gohonzon that they say is the only thing they need? In Nichiren Shoshu, the Gohonzon cannot be transcribed by anyone who has not received the Heritage of the Law. If, as they say, the Heritage of the Law is unnecessary, then we should be able to accept the object of worship of the Minobu Sect — anyone could write the Gohonzon. I recall the Otaru Religious Debate, during which one monk from the Minobu Sect calmly said, ‘Gohonzon can be written by anybody.’ I was astonished and thought to myself ‘What a thing to say?’ If that is true, could we really have a chief priest of Higashihonganji or Nishi-honganji Temple write a Gohonzon and worship it with gratitude? That is not what the Gohonzon is all about.” (At the 17th Myo-kan-kai meeting on March 31st, 1978)

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“In ‘Reply to Lord Soya,’ there is a frequently cited passage, ‘…this can be interpreted in two ways: one is more general and the other is more specific. If you confuse the general with the specific even in the slightest, you will never be able to attain enlightenment.’ Some interpret this passage as follows: ‘the general meaning of this is referred to as the Heritage of the Law while specifically this means President Ikeda, the great master of faith…’ (omission) The significance of these two doctrines─general and specific interpretations─should not be misinterpreted in such a manner. Cleverly abusing Buddhist terms such as ‘generally speaking’ and ‘specifically speaking,’ they say that ‘the general meaning is the Heritage of the Law.’ I wonder why they can say that the general meaning is the Heritage of the Law? It makes me laugh. Moreover, they say, ‘the specific meaning of it is President Ikeda, a great master of faith.’ This will lead them to start claiming that President Ikeda has inherited the Law and that the Heritage of the Law exists in the Soka Gakkai.” (At the 18th Myo-kan-kai meeting on March 31st, 1979)

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“It is said and taught (by the Soka Gakkai) that the lay believers study on their own and conduct Shakubuku voluntarily, which, they say, represents ‘ believers in harmony.’ We must consider this deeply (omission)…and when they say they do not need priests, it is almost the same as saying that they themselves are the priests. If we, who have entered the priesthood, are not necessary, as they say, and are abolished, the Gakkai leaders will make themselves the next group of priests. The Soka Gakkai says all this only to destroy the reality.” (At the 16th General Meeting for the families of the temples on May 31st, 1974)

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“Mr. (Josei) Toda (2nd President of Soka Gakkai) passed away. The Daikejo and the Grand Reception Hall were completed. In 1972, Shohondo was constructed and immediately after that, the Soka Gakkai began to act extremely strangely. They commit serious distortions of the teachings and look down on priests. Every time I’ve observed this, I have tried to point it out, saying, ‘What you are doing is wrong. It is different from Nichiren Shoshu doctrines.’” (At the 1st Current Events Discussion Meeting on February 9th, 1978)

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“Only when the teaching of Nichiren Shoshu has spread throughout the entire world, will it be Kosen-rufu (propagation of the True Law). If a doctrine different from Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is propagated throughout the world, it will not be Kosen-rufu. If something that is neither the doctrine of Nichiren Shoshu nor the teaching of the Daishonin is spread all over the world, we should never be delighted nor, I believe, will the Daishonin be pleased about it because that would mean that the spirit of Nichiren Shoshu has been lost.” (At the opening ceremony of Fujigakurin Study Dept. on June 18th, 1974)

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“We, priests, have never had any intention to destroy the Soka Gakkai or to do anything in particular about the organization, but for some time now, the Soka Gakkai has been mistaken about the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu and their deviations are becoming more serious. We point this out because we want the Soka Gakkai to somehow correct their mistakes and once again stand up based upon their old sincere faith. It is true that for many years, the Soka Gakkai believers have dedicated themselves to supporting the priesthood. Their contribution has been significant. Even with such a great contribution, however, if they are mistaken about the Nichiren Shoshu teachings and deviate from them, it will mean all their efforts will come to mean nothing.” (At the 18th Myo-kan-kai meeting on March 31st, 1979)

In March 2000, the Wife of Mr. Josei Toda, Mrs. Iku Toda, Passed Away. The Funeral Was Conducted by Nichiren Shoshu.

Even One Week After Her Passing, She Displayed the Dignified Countenance of Someone Who Has Attained Buddhahood.

On March 6th, 2000, the wife of second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda, Mrs. Iku Toda, passed away. She died at the age of 89.

Her posthumous Buddhist name was “Shoju’in Myogo Nisso Daishi”, a posthumous Buddhist name containing “Nichi” given by High Priest Nikken Shonin.

Upon receiving the news of Mrs. Toda’s passing, Soka Gakkai sent two top leaders to the Toda’s residence to beg that the funeral not be performed by Nichiren Shoshu. Their attempt was rejected by Mr. Toda’s eldest son, Mr. Takahisa Toda and as originally planned, the funeral service was conducted by Nichiren Shoshu. According to people who are in close contact with the Toda’s, Mr. Takahisa Toda explained, “The Toda’s are Nichiren Shoshu believers so it is natural to hold a funeral service in Nichiren Shoshu.” He continued, “Whenever father (Mr. Toda) had an audience with a High Priest, he would keep his head down to the floor with his palms together, never lifting his face up. His attitude made me realize how respect worthy the High Priest is.” He further stated, “Since I grew up observing my father acting in such a manner, no matter what happens I could never consider rebelling against the Head Temple, Taisekiji.”

The Toda family, which has inherited sincere faith from Mr. Toda, is keenly aware of the fact that they are Nichiren Shoshu believers belonging to Jozaiji temple. Based on that awareness, they requested Jozaiji temple to carry out President Toda’s funeral in April 1958 and every year since, on April 2nd, the anniversary of Mr. Toda’s death, a priest from Jozaiji temple visits the Toda family in Meguro, Tokyo, in order to hold a memorial service (Tsuizenkuyo) and offer the recitation of the sutra and Daimoku for the deceased.

The prime reason Mrs. Toda’s funeral service was conducted by Nichiren Shoshu was because of Mrs. Toda’s own strong request made while she was still alive. After her death, the text of a taped conversation between Mrs. Toda and an acquaintance was introduced in a weekly magazine expressing her frank feelings regarding the Ikeda Soka Gakkai.

Man: Mr. Ikeda is a bad guy, a very wicked villain. He is only out for money.
Mrs. Toda: It is better to leave him alone. (You) should not be too serious. You will see someday. You will know (the truth) without fail.
Man: He will be punished. He will receive punishment since he has been against the Gohonzon.
Mrs. Toda: He has been already punished. He lost one of his children.
Man: I regard Daisaku Ikeda a terrible villain.
Mrs. Toda: Everyone may be thinking that way, too.

At the funeral, what the participants saw in saying good-bye to the deceased was her remarkable appearance of having attained Buddhahood; even one week after her death, she was resting in peace looking the same as when she was alive.

Daisaku Ikeda was rude enough to be absent from the funeral for the wife of the 2nd President of Soka Gakkai. Thirty top leaders of Soka Gakkai took part in the funeral including Einosuke Akiya, Satoru Izumi and Yasu Kashiwabara who, led by Rev. Hosoi, were chanting and putting their palms together towards the special funeral Gohonzon of Nichiren Shoshu.

Refreshing Head Temple Surrounded by Luxuriant Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom Even More Magnificent Than When the Gakkai Used To Come on Tozan

Ever since 1991 when the Soka Gakkai rebelled against Nichiren Shoshu and stopped going on tozan, the Gakkai leaders have cunningly lied to their members in order to erase the fond memories and sincere yearning they once had for Head Temple Taisekiji. Ikeda’s spokesmen spread false stories such as “The Head Temple is overrun with weeds and in a state of ruin” or “The cherry trees have all been cut down!” in hopes of destroying any remaining seeking mind for what the members once called the “the Eternal Home of Faith.”

By printing photos of the Head Temple, which show its pristine and serene atmosphere, this newspaper has repeatedly attempted to let the SGI members know that their leaders’ stories are lies.

To our surprise, however, there seem to be a large number of Gakkai members in this country who are still brainwashed and sorrowfully lament that all the cherry trees at the Head Temple are gone and the buildings there have been left un-repaired and gone to ruin. The Gakkai members who have recently come back to Nichiren Shoshu have, one after another, rejoiced upon seeing with their own eyes the Head Temple’s beauty and learning the truth of its splendid condition. Remember Gakkai members, the Head Temple is where the Dai-Gohonzon is enshrined and it will never fall into ruin!

Taisekiji is famous as a place of scenic beauty beloved by its local neighbors and enjoyed by tourists from throughout the region. In the month of May, young leaves burst forth and azalea plants bloom while in autumn, red and golden colored leaves present a pleasingly tranquil sight. Throughout the year the Head Temple, adorned in the colors of the seasons, envelops visitors in its vibrant and refreshing atmosphere.

The former “Grand Reception Hall,” which presented a serious earthquake risk due to its disproportionately heavy concrete roof, has been demolished and in its place the new “Reception Hall” has been constructed in a traditional Japanese temple architectural style. This Reception Hall possesses more than just a beautiful appearance; it is constructed with the most advanced modern technology to enable it to withstand even large-scale earthquakes that could hit the Tokai region in the future. With the completion of this Reception Hall, the Head Temple has enhanced its refreshing atmosphere, more than ever, filling the hearts of visitors with calm serenity.

Many of the ex-Gakkai members who have returned to Nichiren Shoshu without losing their faith in the Dai-Gohonzon are saying, “The current Head Temple is finer and more beautiful than before.” We sincerely hope that those Gakkai members from around the world who still maintain their faith in the Dai-Gohonzon, will at the earliest possible date, wake up, realize the truth and return to the Head Temple, the home of correct faith.

Contrary to Gakkai Propaganda, Hundreds of Thousands Have Quit SGI to Return to Nichiren Shoshu

“We have been practicing Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, not the Soka Gakkai’s.” With this and similar declarations, a significant number of SGI members have left the Soka Gakkai since 1991 when the Soka Gakkai turned against Nichiren Shoshu.

Soka Gakkai International plays a crucial role in satisfying Daisaku Ikeda’s lust for power and actualizing his megalomaniacal dreams of global domination. For this reason, in the years prior to 1991, the Soka Gakkai took total control of propagation and member nurturing activities outside Japan. Claiming knowledge of “special conditions” the Gakkai effectively eliminated the priesthood’s direct involvement with overseas believers in that era.

In some places, such as in Spain, most of the active membership including the SGI General Director, was loyal to Nichiren Shoshu. In other countries like Indonesia and Ghana, the entire organization stayed with Nichiren Shoshu, renouncing the Soka Gakkai. In addition, significant numbers of believers in approximately 40 countries including the United States, Brazil, Argentina, France, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia have resigned from SGI and organized Nichiren Shoshu Hokkeko lay organizations. The present number of overseas believers is more than 600,000 (this includes the conservative estimate of 200,000 households in Indonesia).But once the barrier of the Soka Gakkai was removed, it was found that there were a significant number of overseas believers who yearned for and sought the pure faith of Nichiren Shoshu and the Head Temple Taisekiji. Like a landslide, those members left the SGI for Nichiren Shoshu.

Believers in each nation have eagerly anticipated the establishment of Nichiren Shoshu temples and, based upon faith of Itai doshin (one mind with different bodies), they have, thus far, overcome the obstructions placed by Soka Gakkai and successfully founded 24 temples and propagation centers in twelve nations. Prior to 1991, when the Soka Gakkai had total control over the overseas propagation activities, there were only six temples in the United States and one in Brazil. Compared with the situation at that time, we can say that the progress we see now is truly a marvel.

On the other hand, most of the people still remaining in today’s SGI are either those who were brainwashed from the beginning to worship Daisaku Ikeda, the members of the so-called Ikeda Sect, or those too unfortunate to have an opportunity to learn the truth about Ikeda’s Soka Gakkai. Naturally, cut off from the Heritage of Faith, the SGI members’ former vigorous style is long gone, never to return. The SGI, about which Daisaku Ikeda used to boast greatly, has markedly declined, shaking the organization to its foundations.

Ikeda’s Insane Statements Disqualify Him As A Religious Leader

Introducing His Unedited Speeches, Extracted from Recorded Tapes

Although the Soka Gakkai has been advertising itself with statements like, “All the leaders in the world are seeking the guidance of President Ikeda,” his live speeches are infamous for their crude vulgarity. Let us introduce here unedited transcripts of some of his recorded live speeches.

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“I would like to thank you, the Men’s Division in the Chubu region, from the bottom of my heart for your sincere effort on behalf of the Soka Gakkai of the entire world. Thanks. (*The participants applauded and waved their hands). Come on! You’re barely waving your hands. And those of you who’ve just waved your hands will not suffer from palsy!! You look great. See. If you could wave your hand more energetically, you could’ve accumulated good fortune, but…” (April 26th, 1992 at the 8th Chubu General Meeting)

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“You know, there may be quite a few people who have not done morning Gongyo, but it’s OK. One Daimoku will do.” (April 26th, 1992, at the 8th Chubu General Meeting)

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“The fourth volume of the Lotus Sutra, in the Hosshi Chapter, teaches that to hate and become hostile even the slightest to the followers of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law─more specifically to me, and in general, to the Gakkai members─ is even more sinful than slandering the Buddha for a long period of time called one medium Kalpa. This is what the Daishonin is saying.” (April 26th, 1992, at the 8th Chubu General Meeting)

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“True honzon only exists in the two characters of faith (shin ╶ jin). To hell with the High sanctuary of True Buddhism, and the wooden Gohonzon! (Dai-Gohonzon). Kanson (Nichikan Shonin) says: ‘The true object of worship can only be found in faith.’ (The High Sanctuary of True Buddhism and Dai-Gohonzon) That’s nothing but an object!” (September 7th, 1993 Senior Leaders Meeting at Headquarters)

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“Thank you, members from San Francisco, for taking care of the exchange group from the Kansai region. If I flatter like this, I know I can get a lot more donations for Kofu Fund, and I say this in a low voice.” (January 27th, 1993 at the Joint General Meeting between the US SGI and Kansai region)

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“We have entered a great era, haven’t we? Soon several government ministers will be appointed from amongst us. That will happen soon. In fact, you will see them tomorrow or so. They are all your subordinates. You can regard them that way. The Soka Gakkai is No.1 in Japan.” (August 8th, at the 69th Headquarters Senior Leader’s Meeting)

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“Well, let’s see, like (High Priest) Nikken is representative (of disgusting men). So he should be tied with a wire and his head hit with a hammer.” (Laughter) (December 13th, at the National Youth Division Senior Leaders’ Meeting)

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“Itoman Peace Hall? I am afraid that it might be better to change its name. It sounds like a woman… sounds like a woman. Itoman sounds like a woman. (*This joke did not appeal to the audience very much.) No good. This is much better. A better name is Kin-Man. (*Kin represents the first kanji character of the male’s genital organ in Japanese while Man represents the female’s.) Or rather, Itoman, Kin-XXX ko!” (There was laughter in the hall because *Kin- XXX ko are vulgar Japanese words, meaning male + female genital parts.) (July 7th, 1993 at the 66th Headquarters’ Senior Leaders’ Meeting) * Ikeda actually verbalized the worst gutter-slang Japanese four-letter-words but since this is a newspaper, XXX is used.

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“My speech is sophisticated and easy to understand an’yet it’s philosophical, literary, poetic and colloquial. You must be very smart to follow me. And when you get stuck, let out your frustration by listening to a chorus together. That’s artistic and that’s the true way the SGI should practice Buddhism. The opposite is (High Priest) Nikken’s way.” (January 27th, 1993 at the Joint General Meeting between the American SGI and Kansai Region)

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“New York! People from New York are clean because you wash your body every day (It was not at all funny to the New Yorkers).” (January 27th, 1993 at the Joint General Meeting between the American SGI and Kansai Region)

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“Hawaii! Mahallo! Mahallo! Bakayallo! (*meaning “Idiot”) Bahallo!” (January 27th, 1993 at the Joint General Meeting between American SGI and Kansai Region)

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“The other day, Obasan, Obasanjo…Without adding two letters, it would be “Obasan”. (* “Obasan” means a middle-aged woman with a derogatory nuance in Japanese) But it turned out to be a man. (* Referring to a former Head of Nigeria, Obasanjo) He is the central figure among all African nations. To tell you the truth, he is smart. It’s hard. When we say “Africa”, they are a little bit black. Yes, but it’s even worse. Prejudice is no good. The most stupid is (High Priest) Nikken!” (April 26th, 1992 at the 8th Chubu General Meeting)

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“You must be hoping that it (* the meeting) should be over quickly because you all want to piss. Isn’t that right?” (April 26th, 1992 at the 8th Chubu General Meeting)